Yous've created a vision for a work of fine art that you desire, or you've constitute an artist that fits perfect with your style. So, how exercise you get about asking them to create a piece specifically for yous?

If you are because commissioning a piece for the beginning time, information technology tin exist intimidating. But, it can also be a fun and collaborative experience!

Follow these do'southward and don'ts , so you can walk away happy with your custom piece and back up an artist you capeesh.

Practise take intendance of of import details in the initial contact.

Reach out to the artist to encounter if they are taking commissions and will accept the type of piece of work yous would like done. Many artists tin be contacted by electronic mail or a gallery can help brand the connectedness for you.

You lot never get a 2d chance to brand a first impression. Then, brand the initial contact a pleasant i. Permit the creative person know why specifically you would like them to make the piece.

What is it about their work that intrigued yous? Prepare yourself to reply these questions artists might be set up to inquire yous when considering accepting your project.

DON'T assume that every artist will want to accept your request.

And don't wait until the work has started to discuss important details. At that place are many reasons an artist may plough down an offer. Some artists accept had awful experiences with commissions in the past, are currently working on other projects, or they may feel they are not a good fit for your project. It may put an artist's mind at ease if yous inquire about the medium's they tin can utilise, price and timeline upfront.

DO provide the creative person with every bit many details about the piece you want equally possible.

They will demand to know what materials will be needed to produce the piece you desire. Providing reference images is a great way to communicate with them most what you are looking for.

If the slice will be for a certain surface area of your home, provide the creative person with an thought of the style and so they can understand how this slice with fits with your aesthetic.

DON'T exist vague about what yous want or expect the artist to know exactly what you volition like.

If the artist accepts to piece of work on the proposed piece without a articulate idea of what you want, in that location is a good chance yous might non exist happy with the end consequence.

DO expect a contract. Or, be prepared to make one.

You should have a contract in place between you lot and the artist before work begins. The contract should include the cost, with all applicable expenses associated with creating the piece, and payment terms. Many artists will also ask for fifty-percent up front or some sort of deposit.

The contract should also include a timeline detailing when sure aspects of the work will be completed then that you know when to check in with them. The timeline should also include the date of completion and approval process. The contract volition likewise be the place to include what rights you and the artist have for using the work.

Think & Wonder Ink provides a dandy example of what the contract between you and an artist would look similar.

DON'T assume that terms, price, and timelines will work themselves out or develop along the way.

A formal contract keeps the process of commissioning an artwork as professional every bit possible by setting clear expectations for the projection.

DO communicate and have fun while working on a deputed piece.

Keep in touch with the creative person to make sure the project is staying within the timeline. Likewise, see if they demand anything from you. Do they need more reference images or materials? By communicating clearly any concerns or questions to the creative person yous can both put doubts bated and be excited about the project.

DON'T lose contact with the artist.

Practice non wait until the slice is shut to existence finished earlier you lot check in. If the artist is on the incorrect runway, large revisions could exist expensive, timely, and compromise your relationship with the artist. Most artists volition expect yous to be reaching out and communicating pretty often — information technology should be part of the process.

Anybody appreciates recognition and praise for their work. Commissioning a work of art can be great for both collectors and artists, if information technology is washed right. As a collector, information technology is your chance to be a part of the creative process and bring to life something that you will connect with forever. For artists, it's a chance to build lasting relationships with collectors and stretch their artistic boundaries.

Not sure where to search for artists who might commission pieces you lot like? Artwork Archive'due south Discovery pages are a great way to find artists who would love to hear from you.